Expedition: Work, Life, Paddling Balance

I’m a sprinter. Not in the literal runner’s sense of the word but in life. I have been really good at going hard for short periods of time which is why, I suppose, the 9-5 thing never suited me. Back in my mid-twenties, I went through what I affectionately call, my “period of misguided ambition” and traded racing mountain bikes and waitressing for a job as a paralegal while applying to law school.
Yup, that didn’t last long. So I moved to California, got a job in Tahoe, snowboarded all winter and became a raft guide in the spring. I worked seasonally and traveled around the world for the next several years — working, kayaking and playing hard for short periods of time. It was super fun but on the flipside, I’ve also been really good at burning myself out and getting injured. But then again, I’d just bounce back and start the cycle all over – an easy thing to do when you’re a strong…and strong-willed individual.
Flash forward eighteen years…
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