A Love Letter Uncategorized A Love Letter Dearest Friends of the Whitewater World, Please allow me this opportunity to tell you all…melissademarieMay 14, 2018
Magical Merced Uncategorized Magical Merced My name is Hannah Musgrove and I’m ten years old. I’ve been kayaking for about…melissademarieApril 19, 2018
From Capsizing to Carving: A Surf Kayaking Lesson in Fixing Your Intention Uncategorized From Capsizing to Carving: A Surf Kayaking Lesson in Fixing Your Intention Chapter 1: Daunted The swell and breaking waves seemed to come from every possible direction…melissademarieApril 16, 2018
Exploring the Rooftop of the World Uncategorized Exploring the Rooftop of the World It is still raining. We have been driving for nearly six hours on dirt roads.…melissademarieJanuary 3, 2018
We’re Renovating! Uncategorized We’re Renovating! We are in the process of transferring our blog content to this page. Yay. If…melissademarieDecember 31, 2017
Paddling Preparation: A Land Session Uncategorized Paddling Preparation: A Land Session We don’t often think about having a formal regimen to warm up for a day…melissademarieJune 14, 2017
Wilderness Love on the Salmon River Uncategorized Wilderness Love on the Salmon River Being on the Lower Salmon River is magical. I have grown up on its banks,…melissademarieMay 3, 2017
California Women’s Watersport Podcast! Uncategorized California Women’s Watersport Podcast! Introducing a new podcast by our own, Jessa Rego, the California Women’s Watersport Podcast! In…melissademarieApril 11, 2017
Musings & Magic in Chile Uncategorized Musings & Magic in Chile In thinking about our first international Cali Collective trip in Chile, I found myself returning…melissademarieFebruary 16, 2017
Making the Moves with Whitewater Slalom Uncategorized Making the Moves with Whitewater Slalom Two Strokes Forward. . . . Two strokes forward, then three hard back strokes to…melissademarieNovember 8, 2016