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California Women’s Watersport Podcast!

Introducing a new podcast by our own, Jessa Rego, the California Women’s Watersport Podcast!

In Episode 1, jack-of-all-watercraft, Cali Collective instructor, and ex-stand up comedian Teresa “Tree” Rogerson talks about strength and finesse, fear management, and the joy of surf competitions.

You can find the podcast both on Stitcher  and iTunes. Episode 2 isn’t far behind so stay tuned!


About our podcast creator:

Jessa Rego was lifeguarding for roll sessions at the old Humboldt State University pool and watching students nearly drown themselves for months attempting to master the maneuver, when she thought “I might like to try that some day.”  She knew the Universe wanted her to be a kayaker when she was  hired by the HSU outfitter as a backpacking guide, yet her bosses kept assigning her to sea kayaking tours.  She grew to love paddling, and then took Dick Wold’s whitewater course, held by that time in the new HSU pool. With the help of Dick and a couple others, she finally got her roll there.  Just after the last class, the River Goddesses bestowed upon her the great blessing of a Prijon Hurricane, abandoned in a friend’s backyard. She paddled the the Six Rivers area for the next few years, earned her bachelor’s degree in chemistry, and began working in water quality.

Jessa later moved to Monterey, where another series of fortunate events brought her a Mega Intruder, and she learned surf kayaking. She now lives in Sacramento and is getting to know the west slope of the Sierras.  Her favorite spots include the Upper North Fork Cal Salmon River, Asilomar Beach, and  the two miles of class III/IV on the Silver Fork of the American River. When not paddling, she’s working on installing water quality  sensors in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Jessa loves using the Cali Collective Facebook pages to hook up with new buddies and plan trips. She can’t wait to see more women out on the water.

All words and images copyright California Women’s Watersport Collective 2017. All rights reserved.