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Crossing Over – Four Days Kayaking the Rogue River of Southern Oregon

Over the years Life beats us up. Not whining, just stating facts. Therefore, it is SO GOOD to be around women who remind me of my younger self: rowdy, boisterous, athletic, outdoorsy, a little bit raunchy, funny, fun, supportive, smart and creative, and that’s good because they show me how to live all over again. Lately I’ve been having a little trouble holding on to that grrrl that I am.


The women I’m talking about work for the California Women’s Watersports Collective and Sundance Kayak School of Southern Oregon. These two groups collaborate on an annual kayak camp for women. I signed up for this, their third annual event, and  came back filled with warm light vibrant energy. I love sea kayaking but it’s often cold and foggy and conditions change so rapidly and the consequences of those changes can be so severe that it was wonderful to be in the State of Jefferson’s riverine environment which reminds me so much of the Sacramento and American Rivers of my youth. The sun and warmth of late June made everything friendly. The water was warm. The sky was blue. The drills were fun and interesting and I learned a bunch of new skills and some games I can bring on retreat (Stinky Fish, anyone?) The rapids were friendly and totally doable but occasionally big enough to be exciting as well as fun so you felt really proud you made it.

Read the full article by Nancy Soares here.
